Studio 2

Studio 2

Monday, May 30, 2011

                       The Trail ride!!!
The trail ride was at the Cranston's farm as a fundraiser for our school. There were over 100 bikes there. I was the first registered for the kids track. Some kids got told off because they were on the track before they were allowed to.

After we registered we had to listen to the announcer give the rules for safe riding. Then we could ride our bikes on the track.

The first round was scary but after a little while it wasn’t as scary. My bike kept stalling because it was in a too higher gear. Then it stayed in 2nd gear. Eli, Daniel and I had races. I went around the track fifty times.

After that I decided to go on the big track. The first bit was easy but when I went up the hill it kept stalling so a boy called Tyler helped me when I got stuck. It was nice of him to help me. The first bit of the track wasn’t scary but the last bit was. There was a steep hill to go up then down. I nearly went into the pond next to the track.

 The day was the best day of my life.

By Thomas   

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