Studio 2

Studio 2

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Day the Snow Came

The Day the Snow Came
Monday 15 August

Dear Diary, It was snowing! I love snow! It’s white, powdery and when it snows it feels like it covers the whole world like a blanket of white. And, most of the school loved the snow as much as I did.

At school, before the bell rang some people headed out to the field to have a snowball fight. I hit Jonny with a snowball and he got really angry and pounded me with snowballs. But then the bell rang and we had to go inside. I glued in my homework and after that we headed outside again to take some photos of the snow. Mr Osmond rolled this giant snowball and Larissa and I stood on it.

 Click! Mrs Fraser took a photo to put on our class blog. Click, click! She took some pictures of two snowmen. Mrs Fraser is a good photographer.

Then we went inside and warmed up. I was sad because we   weren’t allowed to play in the snow at lunchtime. But, look on the bright side, there is supposed to be snow tomorrow!!!

By Georgina

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