This week my favoutite thing this week was art because art is my favourite subject.
The worst thing this week was writing because I didn't know what to write.I am really enjoying hand writing because it is fun.!
Next week I want to do more art.
The class of Artists.............. Our Values: Commitment, Pride, Compassion, Courage, Respect, Confidence, Honesty, Responsibility.
Studio 2

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Ripper Practice By Ryan
Every day at 1 o'clock we have rippa rugby practice. Some times we play at playtime to get more practice in. Next Wednesday we are off to the Rippa Tournament!
Reflection by larissa
This week the best thing was science because some of us wired up our quiz boar's. The worst thing this week was the cold weather. I am really enjoying handwriting this year , last year I used to hate it. Next week I want to finish colouring my quiz so I can wire my one!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Anzac Quiz by Ella
Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the Anzacs. Ms Whitwell has got us to make an Anzac quiz. You have to think of six questions and six answers. After you`ve done that you have to put it on a card. This afternoon in science we are going to wire up the back of them. When they are finished someone answers them and if they are right the light or motor should go.
Football Skills by John
On Thursday we did football skills. I thought it was a bit strange that the man who was coaching us didn't even introduce himself or anything. He just put us into teams. My team was Libby, George, Seth, Elena, Georgina and I. We won both our games and it was bundles of fun. I can't wait until next Thursday because we have football skills again.
Refection by Libby
The best thing this week was Art because I love Art and it is always challenging.
The worst thing this week was that the Football man didn't turn up.
I am really enjoying Art because there is always something new to do.
Next week I need to keep my work neater and improve on it.
The worst thing this week was that the Football man didn't turn up.
I am really enjoying Art because there is always something new to do.
Next week I need to keep my work neater and improve on it.
Reflection By Tineisha
The best thing this week is doing my ANZAC quiz because I really wanted to finished my ANZAC quiz and I have.
The worst thing this week is that the Football man did not turn up because I love Football.
This week I am really enjoying math's because we are doing sheets and not off the board.
Next week I want to do more writing because this week we did not do as much as usual, instead we did lots of reading!
The worst thing this week is that the Football man did not turn up because I love Football.
This week I am really enjoying math's because we are doing sheets and not off the board.
Next week I want to do more writing because this week we did not do as much as usual, instead we did lots of reading!
Reflection By George
The best thing this week was doing P.E because we got to learn a new sport which was netball. The worst thing this week was art because I'm behind from where I'm suppose to be at. I am really enjoying football skill's because we get to have a game! Next week I am looking forward to football skills as we missed out this week!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Hockey By George
On Wednesday Fordell Blues faced Gonvile Green, we were on Field 2. Our game was at 4.10pm, Gonville played a good game but sadly they lost 5-0. My brother scored 2 goals, I scored 3. Ryan, Ari and Issac were our awesome defenders.
The Hockey game by Adam
On 12th of June the Fordell hockey team went to play Gonville Blues. We got on the field and got in our places. Everybody waited then the whistle went. At first there were no goals but then the Gonville Blues started scoring goals. Everybody tried there hardest but we were losing. At the end Fordell lost. We only scored one goal. The score was 7-1. It was a really hard game. By Adam.
Hockey by Ella
Last Wednesday night the Fordell Stick`s hockey team faced Gonville team. We played at Gonville turf at 5 pm on court 1. Fordell played a good game but sadly we lost 7-1. Renee scored the only goal and when she scored the crowd went wild! At the start of the game our Coach put Renee, Adam, Gemma and I as strikers. Catlin, Ryan and Jaida as midfielders and Christian as goalie. At half time I had to leave hockey to go to Ballet. Our Coach put on different people in different places.I hope we have a better game next week.
Awesome P.E By Renee
Yesterday afternoon Room2 did P.E. We are focusing on our Rugby skills and are learning to pass properly, catch and run with the ball.
We got into 3 groups of 9 and got in a circle with one person in the middle, the person in the middle called someone's name and that person had to run around the outside of the circle and get into the middle before the ball was passed around the circle.
After that we played a game that was sort of like touch rugby and netball. Some of the girls like me started do netball passes and thought we were just playing netball.
Next we played numbers, that was great fun. I think that everyone is really improving in rugby skills!
After that we played a game that was sort of like touch rugby and netball. Some of the girls like me started do netball passes and thought we were just playing netball.
Next we played numbers, that was great fun. I think that everyone is really improving in rugby skills!
The Latest movie by Adam
Last term I made lots of movies with my friends from school. I have my own camera and tripod. I would invite people over from school and make movies and bring them to school. Everyone liked my movies. One movie took two days to do and two weeks to plan. Ethan and I always do movies together. Whenever I'm doing a movie Ethan is always there. The latest movie is lots of adverts. and Ethan and I looked on you tube at ads and copied them. So Ethan and I remade them. I'ts really funny. First we did spray and walk away. Then a chainsaw advert. That's all we did. We are going to do more. We are going to do the State advert and some drink driving adverts. But instead of drink driving we are going to do it about homework. It is really funny. I showed Mum and Dad the ones we had done so far and they laughed at it. It was funny.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The Nature Train by Bridgitte
During week 4, Ms. Whitwell was away all week so we got a different teacher! We were lucky because Room 2 didn't get the same teacher each day. The teachers were: Ms. Newton, Mrs. Round tree, Ms. Newton, Mrs. Round tree and then Mr. Walker. When we had Ms. Newton the second time she decided that it was time to go on a nature train! At first I had no idea of what a nature train was but as soon as Ms. Newton explained it, everyone was very excited!
We were going outside to look for plants and sticks that made an interesting sound. We were making the the sound of nature.
All of Room 2 lined up outside waiting for the teacher to come. Around the school we marched looking every where and filling up the big box Ms. Newton had brought to put the sticks and plants in. Soon there was no room left in the box for any more so it came to the point when we had to get into a group and make a band with our nature instruments. Everyone made fantastic instruments and all of the bands made some brilliant music. I thought Room 2 enjoyed the nature train a lot. It was great day!
We were going outside to look for plants and sticks that made an interesting sound. We were making the the sound of nature.
All of Room 2 lined up outside waiting for the teacher to come. Around the school we marched looking every where and filling up the big box Ms. Newton had brought to put the sticks and plants in. Soon there was no room left in the box for any more so it came to the point when we had to get into a group and make a band with our nature instruments. Everyone made fantastic instruments and all of the bands made some brilliant music. I thought Room 2 enjoyed the nature train a lot. It was great day!
Harold the Giraffe by Libby
On Wednesday Room 2 went to see Harold the Giraffe. We learnt about keeping ourselves healthy and how to read a NIP (nutrition, information panels).
In an activity we each got a label that says a type food on it. Then we had to put the label in a column salt, sugar or fat. There were lots in the sugar column.
I hope I can go again!
In an activity we each got a label that says a type food on it. Then we had to put the label in a column salt, sugar or fat. There were lots in the sugar column.
I hope I can go again!
P.E. By Lauren P
Last week we did rugby skills in P.E. We Had to split up into three groups of 9 and play a little game, in a circle. After we split into two groups of 18 and play the same game. Some people thought it was harder. Others thought it was easier.
Then we got to go back in our groups of 9 and play a game that's a little bit like touch rugby.In the end my team won!
It was getting to the end of P.E, but Ms Whitwell said we could play a game of numbers. We got given a number and if she called our number, we had to try and score a goal without getting our ripper ripped off ourselves. P.E was lots of fun and I can't wait until next week when we get to learn the skills of another sport.
Then we got to go back in our groups of 9 and play a game that's a little bit like touch rugby.In the end my team won!
It was getting to the end of P.E, but Ms Whitwell said we could play a game of numbers. We got given a number and if she called our number, we had to try and score a goal without getting our ripper ripped off ourselves. P.E was lots of fun and I can't wait until next week when we get to learn the skills of another sport.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Harold the Giraffe by Ella
Harold the Giraffe has come to our school this week. Yesterday we visited him. We all had to help him with his homework for the week. We are learning about the human body and the four main systems the circulatory system, the digestive, the respiratory and the nervous system. Yesterday we learnt about the liver. The liver has 500 jobs to do all by itself, these are some of it`s jobs; the liver is very hot therefore it is in charge of warming the blood, it stores Vitamins and Minerals, breaks down poisons and chemicals and weighs about 1.75kg.

The race course around the playground by Adam
One cold afternoon the class was a bit bored and tired of doing all the work that Ms Whitwell told us to do so she said lets go out for a game to warm you up. We all went outside to the playground. Ms Whitwell said get into your houses. We all lined up. Ms Whitwell told us to do a race course around the playground. We had to go up ladders and slide down slides and climb up things. It looked awesome. 'Go' Ms Whitwell shouted. We all raced around the playground. Up and down, up and down, up and down and all over the place.
At the end Miro lost. It was really fun!
At the end Miro lost. It was really fun!
The Life Education Bus! By Renee
This week the Life Education Bus has been at Fordell School, how exciting! We are focusing on the body journey and we've already learnt so much. Some of the facts are: the liver has 500 jobs to do, the liver is the largest organ inside your body and 4 of the systems inside us are Respiratory, Circulatory, Digestive and Nervous system.One of the highlights for me in the life education bus is having a photo with Harold the giraffe!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Fraction Maths
In Ms Whitwell's maths group we have been working very hard learning about fractions. We have been finding fractions around us, naming fractions and finding fractions of a set.
Today some of us made fraction circles, we had to be careful to check all the parts were the same!
The others of us were working very quietly from our books and finding fractions of number problems for example what is a quarter of 100, what is a half of 150, what is a fifth of 45 we used our number knowledge of doubles and family facts.
Today some of us made fraction circles, we had to be careful to check all the parts were the same!
The others of us were working very quietly from our books and finding fractions of number problems for example what is a quarter of 100, what is a half of 150, what is a fifth of 45 we used our number knowledge of doubles and family facts.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Technogly By George
On Friday Fordell school had our technolgy challange. My favourite thing was making a stretcher. We had to use news paper, tape, string and scissors to make a stretcher that would carry us..In Miro I was the one that got carieded across the tin shed. In Tawa it was Sam and in Kowhai it was Jaeella. I didn't know how it was going to go, my head fell through the stretcher ! Tawa won with their stretcher, theirs was long and had good handles to carry it. Next time well will be better!
Bye Bye to Cosmo By Geordie
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Cosmo's Birthday! By Renee
Yesterday it was Cosmo's birthday Party. Everyone from Room 2 had been really busy making invitations for all the Room 3 children, blowing balloons up and tying them to the tin shed roof and thinking of party games to play. All of the Room 3 children brought their teddy bears to share with all the other kids. After we introduced all of the teddy bears the fun started. We played 4 games. My favourite game was when the music stopped you had stop dancing and choose a corner to stand in and then Ms. Whitwell would spin the pointer and if it pointed to your corner you were out. Then we got our Room3 buddies and read them a story about bears while Ms. Whitwell got Cosmo's cake ready. There were cupcakes stacked up on top of each other and on top there were 10 candles. The cupcakes were delicious! I hope that Cosmo has a birthday party next year.
Prehistoric Music by Ella
Last week we wrote a story about Prehistoric Music with Ms Newton. This is mine.
I am a musician in ancient Egypt. I play music for my King, the Pharaoh.. My name is Xheria I have a friend, her name is Zencara. I love music and the King loves to hear my music. I love to play the Harp and the Double Reed Pipe, Zencara plays the Harp and the Lute. The King lets me sit in a seat beside him and I play for him. Zencara and I like to play and sing together as a duet for the King and his family. I stay at the palace, in a little room beside Zencara`s room, in the room I keep my instruments. The King and his wife have a little girl, each night I sing or play for her. I like singing for the King and his family.
I am a musician in ancient Egypt. I play music for my King, the Pharaoh.. My name is Xheria I have a friend, her name is Zencara. I love music and the King loves to hear my music. I love to play the Harp and the Double Reed Pipe, Zencara plays the Harp and the Lute. The King lets me sit in a seat beside him and I play for him. Zencara and I like to play and sing together as a duet for the King and his family. I stay at the palace, in a little room beside Zencara`s room, in the room I keep my instruments. The King and his wife have a little girl, each night I sing or play for her. I like singing for the King and his family.
Cosmo's birthday party by Adam
On Tuesday the 4th of June it was Cosmo's birthday party. Rooms 3 and 2 went to celebrate. Room 2 made a invitation for Room 3 to go to Cosmo's birthday in the tin shed. Room 2 were the hosts and Room 3 were the guests. Room 2 buddied up with Room 3. Room 3 brought some teddy bears along for Cosmo and they introduced them to the classes. We played lots of games there. The winner won something out of the Ms Whitwell's goodie basket. We read some teddy bear books to room 3. At the end there was cake. Everyone got a piece. It was yum. Cosmo had a great birthday.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Science by Tineisha
This morning room 2 did some Science with Miss Whitwell. We had some testing tubes and we also had some stuff out of the kitchen. We had to mix cabbage juice and one of the chemicals together. My favourite was to mix the cabbage and the vinegar because it really changed colour!
Reflection by Ethan
The best thing this week was science because we got to make lava lamps.
I learnt how to figure out maths problems easier. The one thing I will remember from this week is how to make a baking soada bomb. Next I would like to make a coke rocket.
I learnt how to figure out maths problems easier. The one thing I will remember from this week is how to make a baking soada bomb. Next I would like to make a coke rocket.
Reflection by Michael
The best thing that happened this week was in science when we got to make bombs but unfortunately none of them exploded. Ethan Libby Ella and Tineisha's group nearly exploded! This week I learnt the most in science, like if you put mentos in coke it will explode!
Reflection by John
The best thing that I did this week was science because we learnt how to make baking soda bombs.
I think I learnt the most in writing because I got a key to describe.
One new thing I learnt is if you give a baby a whole tube of adult toothpaste it could die because it has baking soda.
Next I want to learn how to paragraph my writing.
I think I learnt the most in writing because I got a key to describe.
One new thing I learnt is if you give a baby a whole tube of adult toothpaste it could die because it has baking soda.
Next I want to learn how to paragraph my writing.
The Navy Band By Lauren P
Today room 2 got into buses and went to the Opera House. We went to see the amazing Navy Band! They played lots of loud music and invited kids onto the big stage to do dance the can-can or conduct the band. My favourite piece of music was the one that mixed up lots of pieces of music from movies and put it all together.
The Navy band by Adam
On the 28th of May the whole school went to the Navy band in the Opera house. We went in buses to it. Unfortunly 1 of the buses broke down so lots of people were squised into the first bus and people went into cars. When we got there we all lined up ready to go in. We took our seats and watched the show. People sang, people acted and people played insturments. It was really funny and fun. Lots of times they asked for audience to come up and do stuff. This lady went round to people and put the microphone to people's mouth to sing. It happened to me. There was this person firing water guns at people. It was really fun. All together the music sounded awesome. The were trumpets, triangles, drums and flutes. I would love to go again.
Writing by Bridgitte
This week we have been doing some descriptive writing about the colour.. In our writing we have been telling you what we see through the window. In class Ms Whitwell put up three lovely photos. When we read the descriptive writing you feel and hear the writing.
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