This week's Student of the Week is Ella. Ella is a fantastic role model with her work ethic. Ella strives to produce high quality work. Ella seeks out new learning and takes responsibility for her own learning.
Well done Ella!
The class of Artists.............. Our Values: Commitment, Pride, Compassion, Courage, Respect, Confidence, Honesty, Responsibility.
Studio 2

Monday, March 25, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Cosmo By Leo
Last Tuesday we had a new student called 'Cosmo'. Next week one of us will be taking him home for a week.This week at break and lunch we will play with him and show him around the school each day.He is here to stay his uncle Ted E Bear who is a detective.He wants him to come to Fordell so we can teach him some manners and good behavior because he knows Fordell is an awesome school and a good school.
By Leo
Summer by Rebekah
What is Summer?
Summer feels like hot sand burning our delicate feet.
Summer tastes like sunscreen getting in your mouth when you lick your lips after a cold, chocolate ice-cream.
Summer smells like fresh subway bun scents filling your nose with delight.
Summer looks like big ques waiting for the ice-cream truck.
Summer sounds like humongous waves crashing down on the shoreline and big jet skies ruling the river with a rather tight pitch.
That's summer!
The Fonterra Science Road Show by Ella
Monday, March 18, 2013
George's Birthday
Last Thursday was George's 8th birthday! We were very lucky because his Mum brought in a yummy chocolate cake that we all got to share! There were even candles, but Ms Whitwell couldn't find any matches. George did a great job pretending.
We all wished George a very happy birthday!
Student of the Week
Georgina is Student of the week for consistently striving for accuracy and high standards of presentation in her work
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Science Roadshow by Georgina
Today we went to the science roadshow. It was so much fun! We learnt about air and water pressure and about acids and bases. There were a lot of experiments and I learnt a lot. My favourite part of the Science Roadshow was when they squeezed purple cabbage juice into test tubes and added acids and bases to change the colour. It was very interesting.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Our Pepeha By Georgina
This week we have been learning about our Pepeha. A Pepeha is the way to introduce yourself in Maori. It forms part of a Mihi (Speech of introduction) This is the start of our Pepeha.
Tena Koutou Katoa
Greetings to you all
Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
As the sooty sheer water voices it's presence
As the parrot voices it's presence
So do I!
We then talk about who we are, our nearest mountain and our nearest river. We talk about our iwi, if we have one, our school, our parents and our best friend. We finish by saying No Reira, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Tena Koutou Katoa.
Greetings three times over.
We are enjoying doing our Pepeha.
Tena Koutou Katoa
Greetings to you all
Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
As the sooty sheer water voices it's presence
As the parrot voices it's presence
So do I!
We then talk about who we are, our nearest mountain and our nearest river. We talk about our iwi, if we have one, our school, our parents and our best friend. We finish by saying No Reira, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Tena Koutou Katoa.
Greetings three times over.
We are enjoying doing our Pepeha.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Welcome Cosmo
Today we had a 'new student', Cosmo Bear. He has moved to Wanganui to live with his Uncle Ted.E.Bear. He has been sent to Fordell to learn good values and thinking skills.
So far we have found out Cosmo likes honey sandwiches, fishing and reading about other animals. He doesn't like bees and his Great Great Uncle is called Winnie.
Cosmo was very popular on his first day and everyone wanted to show him around. John taught him how to play '6 square', Lulu took him on the playground and Geordie tried to get him to read something other than about Panda bears!
Cosmo went to Science in room 1 and had a fabulous time although he couldn't find his pulse?
So far we have found out Cosmo likes honey sandwiches, fishing and reading about other animals. He doesn't like bees and his Great Great Uncle is called Winnie.
Cosmo was very popular on his first day and everyone wanted to show him around. John taught him how to play '6 square', Lulu took him on the playground and Geordie tried to get him to read something other than about Panda bears!
Cosmo went to Science in room 1 and had a fabulous time although he couldn't find his pulse?
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Swimming Sports!
There was lots of splashing, cheering and sun on Friday afternoon at the Fordell Swimming Sports. Everyone swam well. There were close races between Leo and Ryan which meant lots of shouting and cheering on the sideline. Everyone had a go and gave their best, and there was even time for a free swim at the end!
Reflection by Loulou
This week I really enjoyed science because we made a stomach with bread and coke in a bag. It even looked like poo! We were learning that the food goes around in your stomach when we eat. The coke made the bread mushy. In our stomach the acid makes our food mushy. I really like science!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Science by Bridie!
This week in science we made stomachs .You have to put bread and coke or other fizzy together in a snap lock bag and squish it together for 5 minutes .When you're finished squishing it ,it should be liquid. This showed us what the stomach does to make all the food you don't need come out.
Did you know that when you chew chewing gum your mouth gives a message to the brain and stomach that food is on its way so the tummy starts up which is what makes you feel hungry!
Reflection by Ella
This week I enjoyed practising for the School swimming sports.Our swimming sports are this afternoon. I am so nervous. In writing we have been making an ad for a famous New Zealand person. My person is Irene Van Dyke and in my ad she is selling netballs and netball hoops. I think my ad is pretty good.
My goal is not to break water in my breaststroke race in our swimming sports.
My goal is not to break water in my breaststroke race in our swimming sports.
My Reflection By Lauren P
My highlights this week were science, art,handwriting activities and spelling activities. I learnt that your tongue has more germs than a dog's tongue after it's licked it's bum! My goal is to get a place at the swimming sports this afternoon. I am really nervous because my tummies tingling! I can't wait!
Reflection By Georgina!
This week we have been dong our Koru pictures of our family. I really enjoyed that! We have also been swimming because our swimming sports are today!!! Everyone is really nervous. My butterflies are pounding my stomach. We have also been doing an endorsement for a famous person in writing. This has been really enjoyable and has stretched our imaginations. We have been working on our prose about Summer. Some people really know what summer feels like! It has been a really great week! I completed this weeks goals and my goals for next week are to take more care when I am writing in my Draft book and to unlock all my problem solving activities in Maths.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Making Lemonade by Gemma
A couple of days a go the people in the green reading group made lemonade. We got into two groups and got the book we read. We got the ingredients and started to make the lemonade. We needed three lemons, sugar, yeast, water, hot water,knife,a chopping board a cup,a spoon and a two litre bottle. First we had to cut three lemons in half and squeeze the lemons into the cup. Next we used the spoon to take out the pips and put the lemon juice and the sugar together. We poured in hot water and dissolved the sugar. Next we filled the whole bottle up with cold water. Last of all we sprinkled in a teaspoon of yeast. We did the bottle up and we put the bottle in a cupboard that was not too hot or too cold but just right and left the bottle for 4 days.
On Friday we opened the bottle, it fizzed up and spilled out! We all had a bit to drink. It tasted like wine. one was too sweet and one needed more sugar. They tasted lemony.
On Friday we opened the bottle, it fizzed up and spilled out! We all had a bit to drink. It tasted like wine. one was too sweet and one needed more sugar. They tasted lemony.
Monday, March 4, 2013
This Week's Top Student
This week's student of the week is Leo because he has quickly settled into Fordell School. He follows instructions and has shown a responsible attitude. Leo has worked hard to quickly adjust to Fordell expectations and keep up with the work!
Well done Leo!
Well done Leo!
My First Week By Leo
My first day was scary.Not knowing what it was going to be like. When I first came to Fordell it was a big change for me.Going from a boys only school to a class that has lots of girls.know I am getting used to it.It is like my school before Huntley but I think it is better than Huntley I have made cool friends and I am enjoying my self.
By Leo
By Leo
Music with Ms Newton By Ryan
This week for music with Ms Newton she taught us four songs. One of them is the "Banana Boat" song. We played musical statues and we had a go at making our own music. I think it went really well.
Te Reo by John
Every Thursday we do Te Reo in the boiling hot tin shed with Matua Ash. Last week we did Te Reo with four people, Matua Ash and three of his helpers.We are thinking about doing a Ruruku at the start of each lesson. A ruruku is like an introduction. I really enjoyed Te Reo. This week we had Te Reo with Whai Wharangi as Matua Ash didn't come. Whai taught us the legend of Papatuanuku and Ranginui. I learnt that there was a little boy between them and he wanted to grow big so he pushed them apart and that meant we had Earth and Sky.
A Whole Day Of Music!! by Bridgitte
I was so excited when the day had finally come, the day with music and sound, the day with Ms Newton. To start it all of we did all sorts of exercises like mouth movements and singing high and low notes. Ms Newton taught us a lot of songs and we went around the world singing, dancing and enjoying the music.
It wasn't long before we got into groups, grabbed the instruments we enjoyed playing and made up some music of our own. We practised our music at lunch time because Ms Newton told us we were doing a little performance for the class after lunch. It was all very exciting and I thought that our group were doing quite well. As soon as the bell rang all of room 2 rushed out to the court where we were doing the performance. Every group had come up with some amazing ideas for their instruments.
Ms Newton soon told us that she had enjoyed the day with music and that she hoped everyone else did too. I absolutely loved the music and singing so I thanked Ms Newton for the wonderful day that had all the fun.
It wasn't long before we got into groups, grabbed the instruments we enjoyed playing and made up some music of our own. We practised our music at lunch time because Ms Newton told us we were doing a little performance for the class after lunch. It was all very exciting and I thought that our group were doing quite well. As soon as the bell rang all of room 2 rushed out to the court where we were doing the performance. Every group had come up with some amazing ideas for their instruments.
Ms Newton soon told us that she had enjoyed the day with music and that she hoped everyone else did too. I absolutely loved the music and singing so I thanked Ms Newton for the wonderful day that had all the fun.
The Treaty Of Studio 2 By Rebekah
Last week room two were finding out about 'The Treaty Of Waitangi'. I looked online and found some of the people who signed the treaty and calculated their ages. the youngest was 45 and the oldest was 96. Renee helped me because she is good at maths. The class got into groups and got a slip of paper about the Treaty. We had to find the key word and look it up on the Internet. It was really fun finding out about 'The Treaty of Waitangi' and now we have a Treaty of Room 2!
The Treaty Of Waitangi
The Treaty Of Waitangi
Year 4 Sport By George
Two weeks ago the year 4s started doing sports with Cricket Wangnaui. Every Wednesday morning two different men come and take us for about 30 to 40 minutes. So far they have taught us throwing and catching. Last week we learnt how to bowl.I have learnt so much so far. They teach us games so we understand the skills better. I really enjoyed bowling but really I like everything.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Bringing the family shield to school by Caitlin
On Tuesday I brought my family shield to school and I also brought a piece of paper that had pictures and colours like on the family shield of what they meant. The shield isn't very big. I shared my shield with the class and explained what the colours and parts meant. I found out that the part that I thought was a castle is actually a red hand and means the Baronet. The armour means strength and the lions meant courage. The yellow border part means superiority.
We keep our shield in the hallway, it hangs on the wall.
We keep our shield in the hallway, it hangs on the wall.
New Kid By Ryan
This week we got a new kid his name is Leo he came from Huntley school. He is a year six. before he came here he went to school with my brother Travis. Leo is good at maths and swimming but does not like writing.
Name Monsters By Rebekah
This week we started our fascinating name monsters. We wrote our names on a folded piece of paper with pencil then we went over with sharpie. We placed them up against the window and traced them on the other side of the folded piece of paper. After all of the boring steps we finally got to bring them alive with some colour. When everyone had coloured them in we dyed the back ground with either blue, red, green, orange or yellow. I did mine blue. Our mane monsters are all up on the wall and they sure look scary!
New kid by Adam
A new kid called Leo came to our school. He used to live in Huntly boarding school. Leo is a year 6 and is 10 years old. Leo came to Fordell because he knew some people here and was the second closest school. Leo lives at Wanganui East. Leo has 3 cats and 2 kittens. Leo loves maths and cannot stand writing. Leo is good at maths and likes playing sport.
Name Monsters by Bridie
This week we have been doing our name monsters. to make a name monster you fold an A4 piece of paper in half and link your name along the fold, first in pencil then in sharpie. Then press it against the window, you should see the sharpie so you can trace over it. Unfold the paper and colour it in. In the end it should look like this !
Hockey By George
Yesterday we started doing hockey. The year 4/3 team won our game12-0. Also the year 5/6 team won their game 4-2.Hockey is the best sport I've signed up for, hockey is the best because it's fun.
My Farm by Anna
This morning I went on my farm.My Dad and I moved our sheep and our heifers, it was 5:00am. I had to chase two of our bulls because they got into the paddock.We had to take them out of the barley, we could of kept them in there but the barley was getting havested.
Ms.Newton by Libby
Yesterday Ms.Newton came to our school for the whole day to teach us music. She showed us how to play the drum and the other musical instruments. We got to be put in groups to make our own orchestr's. I had great fun with Ms.Newton!
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