Studio 2

Studio 2

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Whole Day Of Music!! by Bridgitte

I was so excited when the day had finally come, the day with music and sound, the day with Ms Newton. To start it all of we did all sorts of exercises like mouth movements and singing high and low notes. Ms Newton taught us a lot of songs and we went around the world singing, dancing and enjoying the music.
It wasn't long before we got into groups, grabbed the instruments we enjoyed playing and made up some music of our own. We practised our music at lunch time because Ms Newton told us we were doing a little performance for the class after lunch. It was all very exciting and I thought that our group were doing quite well. As soon as the bell rang all of room 2 rushed out to the court where we were doing the performance. Every group had come up with some amazing ideas for their instruments.
Ms Newton soon told us that she had enjoyed the day with music and that she hoped everyone else did too. I absolutely loved the music and singing so I thanked Ms Newton for the wonderful day  that  had all the fun.            

1 comment:

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